
H.O.T.D GMT+1 Paso Palabra

[ Pain is inevitably, suffering is optional ]

H.O.T.D GMT+1 Angry

[ You Puts Your Limits ]

[ MomentS ]

[ When the heart speaks, Mind Shut ]

H.O.T.D GMT+1 Dia Lluvioso

[ Gothic Tears ]

[ My world is hell for the infidels...My blood pleasure of the immortals ]

[ Free Yourself ]

[ Don't Touch My Lollipops ]

[ nobody can hurt me without my permission ]

[ La Suerte Favorece a las Mentes PreparadaS ]

[ Sorry if in a dream I dared be your own invading the secrets your sweet intimacy ]

H.O.T.D GMT+1 Rain tomorrow!!!

[ Darkness is my way, Sadness my mood and solitude my ally ]

[ Truth, hurts only once...The lies, every time you remember ]

[ I want a hug yours Baby!! ] Loviuuu

H.O.T.D GMT+1 New Emerson Skin @ Nivaro

[ Tears are words the heart can't express ]

H.O.T.D GMT+1 Nada Que Decir

[ In My EyeS ]

[ blood, death and lust ... is what living in this world ]

[ The Time Please? ]

H.O.T.D GMT+1 Maybe This World Is Another Planet’s Hell

[ smile it irritates those who wish to destroy you ]

[ Yes... it's could outside ]

[ Im addicted to the poison of ur hate, the coldness of ur look and indifference of ur words ]

[ Eleonor with Boobies ]

[ I Love Eleonor]

[ among friends all problems are solvable. Loviuu ]

H.O.T.D GMT+1 Hace Fresquito!

[ La Niña De Tus OjoS ]