Hey all!! New round of Men Only Monthly
event is about to start! This is my new release for April round
"Whimsy Glasses" are 100% mesh, unisex and resizable, includes two different options of lens
(opaque and penetrant), you have four different metals to choose: onyx, silver, gold and bronze. Comes with female version too!!
Here my exclusives for XXX Event "The Redness" works with maitreya and omega, includes hud with three different tones of redness. And "Presage Lipstick Set" works with catwa and omega for laq mesh heads, comes with twelve tones for your lips.
And finally my exclusives for ULTRA "Sweet Sacrifice Arms Tattoo" works with maitreya and omega, includes hud with three opacities. And "Undone Tattoo" works with maitreya and omega too, includes two versions of tattoo (white and black) and three opacities for each version. Hope you like and happy April events!!
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