LOTD #264


Head: GENUS - Baby Face
Body: Maitreya - Mesh Body Lara
Hair: DOUX - Cotton Hairstyle  [@ Tres Chic]

Outfit: NINI Planet. - Love Poem Gacha RARE  [@ Flora]
Jacket: AMITOMO - Be Your Love Gacha 7
Shoes: =Zenith= - Plataforma Sneakers RARE

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ - Ears HD High Definition 0.1
Earrings: NINI Planet. - Love Poem Gacha Earring A & B  [@ Flora]
Whiskers: DAZED. - Kitty Whiskers  [SOON @ SaNaRae]
Nose Earring: DAZED. - Kitty Nose Earring  [@ Flora]
Nose Spike Stud: DAZED. - Part of Nose Studs Set #1  [@ Flora]
Choker: DAZED. - Kitty Bell Choker  [SOON @ SaNaRae]

Brows + Eyeliner: DAZED. - Brows + Eyeliner Set  [SOON]
Eyes: LOTUS - Glamour Eyes Set

Furniture: :HAIKEI: - Put The Blue Sky Gacha
