[ -UtopiaH- @ Perfect Wardrobe and The Boobies Show ]

Heya lovelies!! New round of Perfect Wardrobe with "Barely There" theme, just started!! And as always -UtopiaH- not miss it!! These are the new exclusive items for the round: Bow legging tattoos with four colors included (blue, black, pink and purple) and sexy mesh accessories: My cute Boucle set with headband and tie, are 100% mesh and includes two different types of  spikes (white and gold). Hope u like them and happy round


And finally, The Boobies Show has also started its new round, and you know that -UtopiaH- is part of it :) here you have the exclusive items: Winged nipples piercing, are 100% mesh and you have 3 colors to choose: Black, silver and gold. Hope u like and happy event


