[ Dare to Dream ]

Skin: izzie's - Asia Tanned
Shape: -UtopiaH- - Sammy  -New!!-
Hair: Lelutka - Canto
Dress: .:villena:. - Studded Dress in Sky
Shoes: N-core - CUORE  -New!!-
Handbag: !Blah. - My Bow Pochette /leo ciel
Hands and Nails: SLink + izzie's - Mesh Hand & SLink Avatar Enhancement
Watch: mijn.botique - Minimal Studded Clock
Necklace: izzie's - Owl Necklace
Make-Up: -UtopiaH- - Primavera Make-Up Freckless + Pink Blush  "PW edition"
Lipstick: -UtopiaH- - Pastel Glosses Set /bubblegum
Headband: -UtopiaH- - Spiky Headband [Teal]  "SiS edition"

