Hello girls! on April 1th starts "the big boobies show fair" and for this event in -UtopiaH- we created applicators for multiple tattoos that are on sale in the store (at the request of many of you) in this post I wear the app for "Ecdysis tattoo V3", are not yet on sale, but you will find them all in "The Big Boobies Show Fair". Thanks for your patience <3
Hair: Lelutka - Canto
Top: *L.inc* - Lifted Top
Undies: ::wanderLUST:: - Tugged Panties
Socks: ..:Perle:.. - Legwarmers /black
Feets: SLink - Natural Exotix Feet
Guards: dl:: - Knee Guards
Holster: dl:: - Holster Gun
Watch: [mandala] - SITENNOAH Watch & Bracelets
Gloves: *L.inc* - Bish Gloves
Tattoo: -UtopiaH- - Ecdysis Tattoo V3
Lolas! Tango App: -UtopiaH- - Ecdysis Tattoo Tango App -Soon!!-
Mask: Cobrahive - Nose Mask
Googles: K_gs - Razaera
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