¡¡Devil's!! ¡¡¡TXHHH!!!

My LoVe (Petiita)

Hair: Action
Skin: al vulo  .Elena pale. ((new!!))
Shirt1: [Glue Ink] ((new!!))
Tattoo: [Glue Ink] ~*Ink To Flesh Tattoo*~ ((new!!))
Shirt2: Luck Inc.
Boots: League
Pants: ..::The Tape Fabric::..   ((NOT AVALIABLE))
Tongue: [Glue Ink] Not Available

Me (Bertu)

Skin: -Sorry.Asia- Gently Killer
Hair: Kletva Group Gift
Tattoo: [Glue Ink] ~*Ink To Flesh Tattoo*~ ((new!!))
Pants: ..::The Tape Fabric::..   ((NOT AVALIABLE))
Tongue: The Tape Fabric Zonk W.T.F tattoo tongue((new!!)) 
Sneakers: *ordinary*
Plugs: {.:MuNiQuE:.}  
